We are fully certified to work on your site

Constructionline have been working with construction buyers and suppliers for 20 years - They have vetted our business and awarded us a Gold level membership.

We are compliant to enhanced PAS 91 criteria.

Our membership no is 75384
Social Value

The UK Green Building Council (UKBC) categorises social value under three broad themes: jobs and economic growth; health, wellbeing and the environment; and strength of community.

What ‘social value’ means in practice is likely to change from one job to the next, as different buyers will have different priorities when it comes to social value. For example, they might look for you to provide:


  • Training for local people in areas of high unemployment
  • New or restored green spaces in built-up communities
    • Employment for groups that are underrepresented in the construction industry
  • SSIP
    SSIP was founded in May 2009 following the Government report on Accelerating the SME economic engine: through transparent, simple and strategic procurement. Supported by the HSE SSIP aims to streamline prequalification and encourage straightforward mutual recognition between its Member Schemes.

    Our SSIP is held with Acclaim

    Our Registration no is 75384

    We are CHAS registered

    Membership No: CHAS-134314